Revised Kickstart Guidance opens up participation

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has published a new guidance for businesses participating in the Kickstart Scheme, which allows 25-29 unemployed to benefit under certain circumstances.

The DWP guidance contains a new annex called Proof of Concept which states:

“The Kickstart Scheme was designed for Participants aged between 16 – 24. There is a potential that individuals aged 25-29 may also derive benefit from being part of the Kickstart Scheme. Individuals aged 25-29 registered to Job Centres in areas as determined by the DWP where there are an insufficient number of participants aged between 16-24 available to fill the Kickstart job vacancies, will also be eligible for the Kickstart Scheme where referred by the DWP.

This is likely to be of interest to businesses that are having trouble recruiting staff in areas where there haven’t been enough eligible Kickstart placements previously.