Guidance on the provision of single sex services

The Equality and Human Rights Commission has produced a guide for service providers (anyone who provides goods, facilities or services to the public) who are looking to establish/operate a separate or single-sex service. This could include:

  • separate or single-sex toilets
  • separate or single-sex changing rooms

The guidance helps service providers to make lawful decisions about any services they offer to women and men separately, by explaining the permitted sex and gender reassignment exceptions in the Equality Act 2010.

It advises organisations such as retailers, hospitality and sports facilities to put in place policies that are both legal and balance the needs of different groups.

The guidance confirms that service providers wishing to limit services to a single sex are legally able to do so, provided the reasons are justified and proportionate. Providers can also choose to open their services to all groups. This can be legal too. The guidance helps providers to understand how to put legal policies in place that best meet the needs of all customers.

The guidance can be found here.